Devendra Chaphekar, Minal Chaphekar, Mahendra Dwivedi
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Devendra Chaphekar1, Minal Chaphekar2, Mahendra Dwivedi3
1Department of Computer Science, Seth Phoolchand Agrawal Smriti Mahavidyalaya Nawapara.
2Department of Computer Science Govt. D.B. PG Girls College Raipur.
3Department of Computer Science Seth Phoolchand College, Nawapara.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2020
The information from social networks is useful for security agencies know about the terrorist group online activities. Automated forecasting methods can be of use for anticipating future workload of the human analyst and rescanning text documents. Brutal extremists have become proficient in using the internet and social media to propagate their ideologies, radicalize and recruit a generation that is active online. A brutal extremist uses brutal means to disrupt legitimate authority and spread brutalism. Brutal extremist is the organization that the speed ideology of hatred and instigate violence. A radical group organizing a peaceful protest is also considered as extremists, but not brutal extremists. Many modern groups, like the Westborough Baptist Church, have radical religious views, but these beliefs are not sufficient to classify them as brutal extremists. In this work algorithm, LDA has been used that provides loads of the complete brutal data dictionary pair from the dataset also the calculation of the result will be done by using JAVA in NetBeans IDE. Thus, the proposed algorithm is quite helpful in detecting the VE. Finally a perspective on the brutalism security annexes is discussed and here we analyzed the causes of brutalism and will overcome by applying the proposed algorithm.
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Devendra Chaphekar, Minal Chaphekar, Mahendra Dwivedi. A Survey Paper On: Cyber Security, Extremist Violation and Challenges Over Internet Communication. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(2):98-102. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00017.3
Devendra Chaphekar, Minal Chaphekar, Mahendra Dwivedi. A Survey Paper On: Cyber Security, Extremist Violation and Challenges Over Internet Communication. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(2):98-102. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00017.3 Available on:
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